You are here: Home > Visitors > Visitors > Add/Edit Visitor

Add/Edit Visitor

Adding Visitor is one of the initial and most important steps of Visitor Management in IXM WEB. It consists of following tabs -

Screen Layout of Basic information



The Basic Information tab is used to input personal information of Visitors such as Visitor ID, First Name, Last Name, Designation, Gender, Company, Contact Details, Address, Birth Date, and Document for validation. Among all these details First Name and Visitor ID are mandatory fields. An administrator can input additional information about the Visitor such as Address, City, State, Country, Mobile, Company, Designation, and Email (all are optional fields)

Field Description of Basic information


Visitor ID:

Denotes the Visitor's unique ID.


While adding a new Visitor, the application automatically displays the next sequence number. You can change it but it should be unique.


While editing a Visitor, Visitor ID can not be changed. the Last Name of the Visitor.


First Name:

Enter the First Name of the Visitor.


Last Name:

Enter the Last Name of the Visitor.



Enter the Designation of the Visitor.



Enter the Company name of the Visitor.



Select the Gender of the Visitor from the dropdown list.

You can add, edit or delete a Gender. Click on icon to do so. Following screen will be displayed -


Add/Edit Gender:

To add a new Gender, enter its description in the box.

To edit a Gender, click on the icon next to the respective Gender. The Gender will be displayed in the box. You can now edit the description.

To delete a Gender, click on the icon next to the respective Gender. The application will display a warning message. Click on Delete button to delete the Gender or Cancel button to discard the action.


Once done, click on Save button to save the changes.



Enter the Mobile number of the Visitor.


Enter the Email address of the Visitor.

Address 1:

Enter the Address of the Visitor.


Enter the City of the Visitor.



Enter the State of the Visitor.


Enter the Country of the Visitor.



Enter the date of birth of the Visitor. You can either enter the date in the format mm/dd/yy or click on the calender icon to select the date.


Select the Document for identity verification of the Visitor from the dropdown list. If no Document is required, click on "Select" option.

You can add, edit or delete a Document. Click on icon to do so. Following screen will be displayed -


Add/Edit Document:

To add a new Document, enter its description in the box.

To edit a Document, click on the icon next to the respective Document. The Document will be displayed in the box. You can now edit the description.

To delete a Document, click on the icon next to the respective Document. The application will display a warning message. Click on Delete button to delete the Document or Cancel button to discard the action.


Once done, click on Save button to save the changes.


Document Number:


This option will be displayed only if a Document is selected.

Enter the selected Document's number.


Document Issued On:


This option will be displayed only if a Document is selected.


Enter the date on which the selected Document was issued to the Visitor.


Document Expires On:


This option will be displayed only if a Document is selected.


Enter the date on which the selected Document will expire.


Document File:


This option will be displayed only if a Document is selected.


Click on Upload button to select a file from its path. You can upload either .JPG, .PNG or .PDF files. Once the file is uploaded, its name will be displayed.


Email Visitor

Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. Enabling this feature will automatically send an email to the Visitor on the provided email address when a visit is scheduled. The email contains information such as the Meeting ID or QR Code that is required for security clearance of the Visitor, purpose of visit, date and time of appointment, location, and host. In case the visit is rescheduled, the revised schedule will be emailed.



Email Host

Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. Enabling this feature will automatically send an email to the Host whenever the following events take place:

  • When a visit is scheduled

    An email will be send to the Host with details about the visit such as visitor's name, purpose, date and time of appointment, and location. In case the visit is rescheduled, the revised schedule will be emailed.


  • Check In

    A formal email will be sent to the Host when the Visitor checks IN through Device authentication or manually from IXM WEB dashboard.

  • Security clearance

    Appropriate email will be sent to the Host informing whether the Visitor has passed or failed the Security check IN.


IMX Health


NOTE This option will be visible only if IXM Health license is purchased. You can request for the License from License >> click on IXM Health section.


Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. Enable it if you want the Visitor to provide answers to the Attestation Questions at the time of check IN via IXM Mobile app .

Click on the Save button to save Basic Information details. Click on the Next button to continue to the next section.

Screen Layout of Visit Details



This tab lets you schedule appointment for the Visitor.



Please note that the schedule can not be changed in case the visit has already been canceled.

Field Description of Visit Details


Time In:

Enter or select the date and time when the Visitor is expected to visit.


Time Out:

Enter or select the date and time when the Visitor is expected to go.



Select the Purpose of the visit from the dropdown list. If the Purpose is unknown, click on the "Select" option.

You can add, edit or delete a Purpose. Click on icon to do so. Following screen will be displayed -


Add/Edit Visit Purpose:

To add a new Purpose, enter its description in the box.

To edit a Purpose, click on the icon next to the respective Purpose. The Purpose will be displayed in the box. You can now edit the description.

To delete a Purpose, click on the icon next to the respective Purpose. The application will display a warning message. Click on Delete button to delete the Purpose or Cancel button to discard the action.


Once done, click on Save button to save the changes.




Select Location of the visit from the dropdown list. If the Location is unknown, click on the "Select" option.


NOTE Work Locations are defined from Organization Hierarchy >> Work Location section.



Select Host who will be hosting the Visitor from the dropdown list. If the Host is unknown, click on the "Select" option.


NOTE Hosts are defined from Home >> Visitors >> click on Hosts section.


Access Group:

Select the Access Group from the dropdown list to indicate the Device that will give access to the Visitor.


NOTE Access Groups are defined from Home >> Employees >> click on Groups tab.



Enter a list of belongings carried by the Visitor.

Click on Previous button to go back to the previous tab. Click on Next button to go to the next tab.


Click on Save button to save details of this tab.

Screen Layout of IXM Mobile



NOTE This tab will be visible only if IXM Mobile license is purchased. You can request for the License from License >> click on IXM Mobile section.


This option allows seamless authentication of a Visitor without enrolling that Visitor.

Field Description of IXM Mobile

Enable IXM Mobile Account

Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. Enabling this feature will allow the Visitor to authenticate using the IXM Mobile account.


User Name:

Enter the Username to log in to IXM Mobile app. By default, Visitor's email ID will be displayed as Username.



Password will be displayed automatically in encrypted form. You can change it.


Digital Card

Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. Enabling this feature will allow the Visitor to authenticate using a Digital Card on the IXM Mobile app.


Face Enrollment


This option will be enabled only if Face Enrollment license is purchased. You can request for the License from License >> click on Face Enrollment section.


Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. Enabling this feature will allow the Visitor to authenticate using their Face on the IXM Mobile app. It is a very useful feature that allows Visitors to enroll their face on the app at their convenience. Once face enrollment is done, Visitor can authenticate using face on the Device.


Attestation Questions


This option will be displayed only if IMX Health is enabled "Basic Information" tab.


Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. Enabling this feature will allow the Visitor to provide answers to the Attestation Questions on the IXM Mobile app.


Email Notification

Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. Enabling this option will send an email to the Visitor informing them to download IXM Mobile app and the credentials to log in to the app. Keep the box unchecked if the Visitor already has login credentials for the app.



Dynamic QR Card

Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. Enabling this feature will allow the Visitor to authenticate using a Dynamic QR Card on the IXM Mobile app.


Click on Previous button to go back to the previous tab. Click on Next button to go to the next tab.


Click on Save button to save details of this tab.

Screen Layout of Credentials



The Credentials section is used to capture the biometrics and access card information of the Visitor.

Field Description of Credentials

Select Device:

Select the Device on which enrollment has to be done from the dropdown list.


NOTE Enrollment can not continue unless a Device is selected.


Next, click on the type of credential that has to be recorded: Fingerprints, Finger Veins, Face or Cards. Apart from these, you can also enroll Visitors by using a USB Desktop Sensor.


Screen Layout of Summary


Field Description of Summary

General information about the new Visitor will be displayed here.


Click on Add New button to add another Visitor or click on Done button to complete the process.