Invixium Receives LenelS2 Factory Certification for OnGuard 8.3

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Invixium Receives LenelS2 Factory Certification for OnGuard 8.3

Invixium’s IXM WEB 3.0 is now compatible with the latest versions of the OnGuard access control system through LenelS2’s OpenAccess Alliance Program

Toronto, Canada (November 19, 2024) Invixium, a global leader in biometric access control, workforce, and visitor management along with RTLS-connected worker solutions today announces that it has completed factory certification for version 8.2 and 8.3 of the LenelS2™ OnGuard® access control system. Invixium’s software platform, IXM WEB 3.0, has been interfaced with the OnGuard system for many years, which allows existing users of OnGuard software to seamlessly add biometric authentication to their locations and manage all their data from a singular platform.

“Invixium has completed required factory testing at LenelS2 to validate the functionality of its interface to the OnGuard system. The interface allows flexible workflow configuration with any combination of access control parameters, including pin, card, and dual biometrics like fingerprint and face recognition for ultra-high security,” said John Marchioli, OAAP product management, LenelS2. “We look forward to their continued involvement in the LenelS2 OpenAccess Alliance Program.”

“We’re proud to be the first biometric solutions provider certified for OnGuard v8.3,” said Shiraz Kapadia, CEO & President of Invixium. “This certification highlights our commitment to maintaining an up-to-date integration with the LenelS2 OnGuard system, ensuring that LenelS2 VARs benefit from a streamlined and efficient experience. Our partnership with LenelS2 reflects both companies’ dedication to delivering effective solutions that protect businesses.”

As a reminder, LenelS2 is an authorized reseller of Invixium biometric readers.

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