Convert Fingerprint
IXM Fingerprint Convert is a licensed module that converts non-proprietary fingerprint images / templates into standardized Invixium biometric templates.
NOTE This Module is visible only if License is purchased. You can request License from License >> Convert >> option.
IXM Fingerprint Convert provides multiple options for bulk data conversion for the following sources:
SQL Server database
Oracle database
MS Access database
User can convert the following templates or image types to Invixium standard templates:
ANSI 378
ISO 19794-2
IXM Fingerprint Convert will convert good and average quality templates only. Average quality fingerprint images / templates may require re-enrollment in case of unsuccessful authentication. No conversion will take place in case of poor or low-quality fingerprint images / templates.
It consists of the following options:
Screen Layout of Configure
Field Description of Configure
Convert Type:
Select this option if you want to convert using a CSV file. Following options will be displayed -
Click on CSV to download the sample CSV file.
Add data into the CSV file and upload the file to IXM WEB by clicking on Upload button.
Click on Next button to go to the Field Mapping tab to map the source fields against IXM WEB fields.
Select this option if you want to convert from a Database. Following options will be displayed -
Database Type:
Select the type of Database from the dropdown list.
In case SQL is selected, following options will be displayed -
Specify the authentication mode for login type by selecting either "Windows" or "SQL Server" from the dropdown list.
SQL Server Name:
Select the Name or IP of SQL Server instance where the said database is installed from the dropdown list.
Click on Connect button to connect to the Database. Following options will be displayed -
Database Name:
Select the name of the Database from the dropdown list.
Select Table:
Select the name of the Table(s) which contain user details & biometric data from the dropdown list. A maximum of 5 tables can be selected.
Select Primary Table:
Primary Table Name is required if more than 1 table is selected. All the selected tables must have a relationship between them.
Apply Filter
Select this option if biometric templates of selected existing users need to be converted. This will show you a list of users available in the primary table. Select the required user(s) and click on OK button.
The “Apply filter” field will display the total count of filtered records next to the checkbox in the Database Connection screen.
Click on Next button to go to the Field Mapping tab to map the source fields against IXM WEB fields.
In case ORACLE is selected, following options will be displayed -
Server IP Address:
Enter IP address of the machine where Oracle is installed.
Server Port:
Enter Port number of the Oracle database.
Database Name:
Enter Database name which contains user details & biometric data.
Enter Username to log into Oracle Client/Server to access Database.
Enter Password to log into Oracle Client/Server to access Database.
Click on Connect button to connect to the Database. Following options will be displayed -
Database Name:
Select the name of the Database from the dropdown list.
Select Table:
Select the name of the Table(s) which contain user details & biometric data from the dropdown list. A maximum of 5 tables can be selected.
Select Primary Table:
Primary Table Name is required if more than 1 table is selected. All the selected tables must have a relationship between them.
Apply Filter
Select this option if biometric templates of selected existing users need to be converted. This will show you a list of users available in the primary table. Select the required user(s) and click on OK button.
The “Apply filter” field will display the total count of filtered records next to the checkbox in the Database Connection screen.
Click on Next button to go to the Field Mapping tab to map the source fields against IXM WEB fields.
In case MS ACCESS is selected, following options will be displayed -
Click on Select File button to select the MS Access Database file. Once the file is selected, following option will be displayed -Select Table:
Select the name of the Table(s) which contain user details & biometric data from the dropdown list. A maximum of 5 tables can be selected.
Select Primary Table:
Primary Table Name is required if more than 1 table is selected. All the selected tables must have a relationship between them.
Apply Filter
Select this option if biometric templates of selected existing users need to be converted. This will show you a list of users available in the primary table. Select the required user(s) and click on OK button.
The “Apply filter” field will display the total count of filtered records next to the checkbox in the Database Connection screen.
Click on Next button to go to the Field Mapping tab to map the source fields against IXM WEB fields.
Screen Layout of Field Mapping
As you can see, 2 columns are displayed - IXM Fields and Source Fields. You will have to map source fields against IXM fields.
Field Description of Field Mapping
"User ID", "First Name", "Biometric Data" & "Finger Index" fields under the “Required” section are mandatory for mapping.
Out of the two fields, "Biometric Data" & "Finger Index", you can map both or any one of them. To map "Biometric Data", click on MAP button. It will open a popup for biometric data mapping. Here you will see source fields prepopulated. Map the IXM Field against the respective source field and click OK button.
Select the source field against "Index Finger" and click on MAP button. It will open a popup for finger index mapping. You will see the source fields pre-populated. Map the IXM fields against the respective source fields and click on OK button.
This will close the popup and a “Finger Index mapped” message will be displayed.
Overwrite all data
Selecting this option will allow Convert to overwrite existing data within the database.
Save original data
Selecting this option will allow Convert to save the original data such as the fingerprint image.
Click on Analyze button to see the analysis report before the actual conversion process. The analysis window will provide information about the possible conversion of User Records (Success and Fail) and Biometric Records (Good, Average, Poor and Fail).
Click OK button to close analytics pop up.
Click on Convertbutton to start the conversion process. Click on Back button to go back to the previous screen.
Screen Layout of Summary
Field Description of Summary
When the process is complete, a “Summary” window will display the converted User records and Biometric records.
Click on Logs button to check which User Record(s) and Biometric Record(s) were converted successfully and which failed to convert.