You are here: Employee > Account Details
Account Details
This section displays the Account Details of the selected Employee. Users will not be able to add or update any information from this page which is divided into two main sections:
Account Details
IXM Mobile Features
Screen Layout of Account Details
Field Description of Account Details
Account Details
This section displays the Employee's login credentials to log-in to IXM Mobile app and IXM Time module as follows:
T&A Employee:
It displays "Yes" if the Time and Attendance feature is available for the Employee. Otherwise it will display "No".
IXM Mobile:
It displays "Active" if the IXM Mobile account is enabled for the Employee. Otherwise it will display "Inactive".
It displays the username of the Employee to log in to IXM Mobile app / IXM Time module.
It displays the Password for the username in an encrypted form.
SSO Login:
It displays "Yes" if the credentials can be used as Single Sign-On by the Employee. Otherwise it will display "No".
IXM Mobile Features
This section displays the status of IXM Mobile features for the selected Employee as follows:
Digital Card:
It displays "Active" if the Digital Card feature is enabled for the Employee. Otherwise, it will display "Inactive".
Digital Card Auto Renew:
It displays "Active" if the Digital Card of the Employee will be renewed automatically once it expires. Otherwise, it will display "Inactive".
Dynamic QR Card:
It displays "Active" if the Digital QR Card feature is enabled for the Employee. Otherwise, it will display "Inactive".
Dynamic QR Card Auto Renew:
It displays "Active" if the Digital QR Card of the Employee will be renewed automatically once it expires. Otherwise, it will display "Inactive".
Face Enrollment:
It displays "Active" if the Face Enrollment feature is enabled for the Employee. Otherwise, it will display "Inactive".
Attestation Questions:
It displays "Active" if the Attestation Questions feature is enabled for the Employee. Otherwise, it will display "Inactive".