You can view all the events that are triggered on the Device during authentication. It shows both EBT Events and Attestation Question Events.
Screen Layout of EBT Events
Field Description of EBT Events
This section will display a list of all EBT Events that have taken place.
Click on Export button to export the events and save the in a .csv file.
Hover the mouse over Delete button and select either "Selected" option to delete particular Events or "All" option to delete all Events. Following screen will be displayed -
Enter valid credentials and click on Delete button to delete the selected/all Events.
Screen Layout of Attestation Question Events
Field Description of Attestation Question Events
This section will display a list of all Attestation Question Events that have taken place.
Click on Export button to export the events and save the in a .csv file.
Hover the mouse over Delete button and select either "Selected" option to delete particular Events or "All" option to delete all Events. Following screen will be displayed -
Enter valid credentials and click on Delete button to delete the selected/all Events.