You are here: Visitor > VMS for the Host


VMS for the Host


NOTE To access the Visitor module, the host must log in to the IXM WEB as an "Employee" using their credentials.


In the Visitor Management System, hosts can manage visits created by them, and manage visitor profiles.


NOTE An employee can be specified as a Host by enabling the Host feature from Employees >> Add/Edit Employee >> Account Details section.


The screen contains two tabs - Visit and Visitor. By default, the "Visit" tab is displayed.



Screen Layout of Visit


Field Description of Visit

A list of already defined Visits and their status will be displayed. If no visits have been added yet, this list will be empty.


NOTE Only visits created by the host or by the administrator / receptionist (visits where the logged-in user is designated as the host) will be displayed.


Below is the list of visit statuses and their meanings:


Status Meaning
Screening Visit / Visitor screening is undergoing at security level
Access Level Visit to location that requires access approval or has restricted entry
  • Security has approved the visit

  • Visit to location that does not require approval or has unrestricted entry

  • Visit approved by the host

Visit Cancelled Visit cancelled by the administrator / host
Host Approval Visit pending to be approved by the host


For your convenience, you have the option to switch between List view, Monthly view, or Day view. Know how to switch...



You can search for a particular Visit by entering its full or partial name. Once entered, press the <ENTER> key. The list will be refreshed with Visits matching the entered name.


The Quick Action panel on the right side of the screen provides information regarding total visits, pending visits, approved visits, and rejected visits for the Host. Click on the respective tile to refresh the list accordingly. The panel also provides convenient access to perform certain functions within the application.



Screen Layout of Visitor


Field Description of Visitor


A list of already defined Visitors will be displayed as shown below. If no visitors have been added yet, this list will be empty.




You can search for a particular Visitor by entering their full or partial ID / name / mobile number / Email ID. Once entered, press the <ENTER> key. The list will be refreshed with Visitors matching the entered data.