You are here: Visitor > VMS for the Security


VMS for the Security


NOTE To access the Visitor module, the security personnel must log in to the IXM WEB as an "Employee" using their credentials.


In the Visitor Management System, security personnel can manage the Watchlist, and screen the visitors, and grant approval for entry into the premises.


The screen contains three tabs - Inbox, Security Clearance, and Watchlist. By default, the "Inbox" tab is displayed.


Screen Layout of Inbox


Field Description of Inbox

A list of all Visits generated by the administrator, receptionist, and host will be displayed as shown above. If no visits have been added yet, this list will be empty. The following visits will not be displayed:

  • visits cancelled / deleted by the administrator or host

  • visits that are yet to be approved by the host


The statistics on the top of the list provides information regarding total visits, pending visits, approved visits, and rejected visits. Click on the respective tile to refresh the list accordingly.


By default, the list will display all visits for all locations. You can filter the visits by their status and location. Select the status by clicking on the respective tile. The location can be changed from the dropdown list next to the "Search" box. The list will be refreshed with relevant visits.


NOTE The dropdown list will display only the locations for which the security has permissions, as specified in the User Menu >> System Users >> User Rights section.



You can search for a particular Visit by entering its full or partial name. Once entered, press the <ENTER> key. The list will be refreshed with Visits matching the entered name.


Expand the visit by clicking on the ► icon at the beginning of the row to view visitor details.


Visitors or companies listed in the Watchlist will be marked with a special icon next to their names, to help determine whether access should be granted or denied.


Furthermore, clicking on the icon under the "Action" column of the visitor list will display the Watchlist details of the visitor.




The security personnel need to take action as per the status of each visit explained below:


ClosedVisits with "Access Level" status

"Access Level" is displayed as status for visits to locations that require access approval or have restricted access but where screening is not required. The security personnel must approve the visit for further process. Refer the below sample entry:


Click on the button under the "Action" column of the list to approve the visit. The status of the visit will be updated to "Approved" and will be available for further processing. The "Verdict By" column of the list will be updated with "Security" and the "Verdict On" column with be updated with the time stamp of visit approval.


NOTE Only those visits can be approved that have not yet expired or in other words their "End Duration" is equal to or later than the current date.


NOTE If the "On Security Rejection Dis Allow Visitor" feature is enabled from the Visitor >> Configuration >> Settings section, the visit will not be processed further if any visitor is rejected during the screening process.


Click on the button to reject the visit. Rejected visits will not be available for further processing.


ClosedVisits with "Approved" status

The following are the conditions for "Approved" visits:

  • For locations that do not require access approval or do not have restricted access and screening is not required, visits are considered as approved.

  • Visits approved by the security personnel after screening.

  • Quick visits created by the receptionists and approved by the host.


ClosedVisits with "Screening" status

"Screening" is displayed as status when the visits / visitors require screening. The following are the possibilities:


For locations that require access approval or have restricted access

  • If Configuration >> "All Visitors" feature is enabled, and Configuration >> "All Visits" feature is also enabled, all visitors of the visit should be screened and approved by the security personnel for further process. In addition, the Visit should also be approved by the security personnel. Refer to the below sample entry:


For locations that do not require access approval or have unrestricted entry

  • If Configuration >> "All Visitors" feature is enabled, all visitors of the visit should be screened and approved by the security personnel for further process. Refer to the below sample entry:

Click on the button to approve the visitor screening. The "Verdict By" column of the list will be updated with "Security" and the "Verdict On" column with be updated with the time stamp of visitor approval. Once all the visitors / visits are approved, the status of the visit will be updated to "Approved".


NOTE Only those visits can be approved that have not yet expired or in other words, their "End Duration" is equal to or later than the current date.


NOTE If the "On Security Rejection Dis Allow Visitor" feature is enabled from the Visitor >> Configuration >> Settings section, the visit will not be processed further if any visitor is rejected during the screening process.


Click on the button to reject the visitor. Rejected visitors will not be available for further process.


Screen Layout of Security Clearance


Field Description of Security Clearance

If the "Security Clearance" feature is disabled from the Visitor >> Configuration >> Settings section, security clearance is not required for any of the visitors. The visits approved from the "Inbox" tab will be available to the administrator and receptionist to record the Check-in and Check-out times of the visitors.


If the "Security Clearance" feature is enabled from the Visitor >> Configuration >> Settings section, visitors approved from the "Inbox" tab will be required to undergo the security clearance.


A list of visitors approved from the "Inbox" will be displayed as follows:



NOTE For Group Visits, only the primary visitor will be displayed for security clearance.


The statistics at the top of the list provides information regarding total visitors, pending visitors, approved visitors, and rejected visitors. Click on the respective tile to refresh the list accordingly.


By default, the list will display approved visits for all locations. You can filter the visits by their status and location. Select the status by clicking on the respective tile. The location can be changed from the dropdown list next to the "Search" box. The list will be refreshed with relevant visits.


NOTE The dropdown list will display only the locations for which the security has permissions, as specified in the User Menu >> System Users >> User Rights section.



You can search for a particular Visitor by entering their full or partial name. Once entered, press the <ENTER> key. The list will be refreshed with visitors matching the entered name.


Click on the icon under the "Action" column of the list. The visitor information will be displayed as under:



Click on the Approve button to approve the visitor's security clearance. The status of visitor will change from "Pending" to "Approved". Upon successful security clearance of all visitors, they will be available to the administrator and receptionist to record their Check-in and Check-out times.


NOTE Only those visitors can be approved or rejected whose visits have not yet expired or in other words, their "End Duration" is equal to or later than the current date.


Click on the Reject button to reject the visitor's security clearance. The application will ask for confirmation as follows:



Click on the Yes button to reject the visitor. The status of the visitor will be updated to "Rejected". Click on the No button to discard the action.


Screen Layout of Watchlist



A Watchlist is a list of individuals and companies that require close surveillance for specific reasons. It is used by security to identify and flag these entities before they enter the premises. During the visitor screening, the application checks if the visitor is listed in the Watchlist and issues alerts to determine whether access should be granted or denied. If no companies / individuals have been added yet, this list will be empty.

Field Description of Watchlist



You can search for a particular Visitor / Company by entering its full or partial name. Once entered, press the <ENTER> key. The list will be refreshed with data matching the entered name.